Support General Giving Fund Donations given in an amount that reflects your graduation year in some amount. Ex: 1974 graduate - $19.74, $197.40, $1974.00, etc. Donations can be one time, monthly, or quarterly. Give as often as you feel moved!
Click here to give.
Send Us Updates
We want to hear where you are, what you’re doing, and how you’re making your mark on the world. Please update us with your current contact information and let us know what’s new with you by filling out the forms below. You will also receive our quarterly Alumni Newsletter to keep updated on other alumni students.
Stay Connected
Make a Difference
In your time since graduation, we know you’ve learned a lot – and we want you to share it with us! There are many ways to get involved:
-Speak at an assembly, chapel or guest lecture in a class
-Allow a student to shadow you at work
-Join our Alumni Event Planning Committee
Please send an e-mail to Maddie Adams, at get plugged in to any of these opportunities. Thank you for your continued support of Robert Toombs Christian Academy. We look forward to seeing you soon!