6th - 8th Grade
All middle school students will participate in a group of classes called Connections Classes for nine-week time periods: Keyboarding, Reader’s Theater, Art, Latin, Spanish, Bible, etc.
Students are placed into either 8th Grade Math or HS Algebra I at the completion of their 7th grade year. Students placed into the credit bearing Algebra I course, will be learning high school Algebra I curriculum in addition to a portion of eighth grade mathematics. Algebra I in Middle School is a compacted course, which means that the course compresses a full year and approximately half of another year of math curriculum into a single course. Therefore, your child will be engaged with high school content at a faster, more challenging pace. The advanced middle school courses are intended to be a preparation for higher-level high school classes (i.e., Advanced Placement, Honors, and DE) and to give students the opportunity to experience a more challenging curriculum before the transition to high school. Students not taking this course will be placed in 8th Grade Mathematics which is not credit bearing.
If you would like to be part of the RTCA family, please Apply Here.