Tuition Breakdown
Pre K (Whole Day)
Pre K (Half Day)
Grades K5-12
*Tuition is due on the 5th day of each month. Monthly payments are for 12 months, July through June. The first child in each family is full pay, the 2nd child receives a 5% discount and a 10% discount is given for the 3rd or more children.
Open Enrollment February 01 2024 – Until classes are full
A 3% discount is offered if Individual Student Fees are paid in full.
Payment Options
A 3% discount is offered for those who pay the total amount due on Individual Student Fees
We offer an option to pay the registration portion of fees and have the balance owed added to monthly tuition payment.
Tuition Policy
If tuition is paid monthly, the first payment is due July 1st and on the first of each month through June. Tuition is past due after the 5th of the month, at which time a $25.00 late fee will be applied to the student’s balance. A $50 fee will be added if not paid by the 20th of the month. Parents cannot exceed three (3) late tuitions in a school term. Upon being past due the third time, the parent will have a choice of signing a bank draft form for monthly tuition payments, or pay the tuition owed in full. At any point deemed necessary by administration, tuition payments may be required to be put on bank drafts.
If a catastrophic situation occurs, the Headmaster must be contacted, and the Finance Committee will make a decision on the account. Report cards and transcripts will be held for all students with past due tuition, fees, or failure to return athletic uniforms.
Return Check/Electronic Check
It will be the policy of Robert Toombs Christian Academy that every returned check/electronic return received will be charged a fee of $50.00. Also, after the second time a return is received the family will have the option to either pay in cash/ money order or be placed on automatic draft. However, if the automatic draft returns the only option for the family will be cash or money order.