M-T: 2:30 – 5:30 PM
Friday: 2:30-5:00pm
SERVING: Children in K3 through fifth grades who are enrolled at Robert Toombs Christian Academy.
SERVICES PROVIDED: Homework time, Snack time, Play time
CHILD CARE PROVIDERS: The number of providers is determined by the number of children enrolling for the program and will follow state guidelines. Someone certified in First Aid and CPR will be on the premises at all times.
Length of Stay Charge
Less than 30 minutes $4.00
31 minutes to 1 hour $7.00
Over 1 hour $9.00
The After School Program will begin at 3:00 PM for children with an early dismissal time. All children not picked up at their dismissal times should be enrolled in the After School Program.
If a child is not picked up by closing, a late fee of $5.00 for the first minute will be assessed. After that initial fee a $1.00 per minute will be assessed. All children should be picked up by 6:00 p.m. Failure to pick up your child by closing may result in dismissal from the program. All children, regardless of regular or drop-in status, must be registered. A registration fee per child must be paid when returning the registration form.
The cost of the program is listed below and may be paid monthly, August through May. Students will enjoy a snack, recreational activities and homework time.
All children, regardless of regular or drop-in status, must be registered. A registration fee of $20.00 per child must be paid when returning the registration form.
Click here to fill out form.