Welcome to the RTCA Athletic Booster Club! Whether you are a coach, parent, friend, or corporate member, thank you for the time and energy you spend to ensure that our students continue to be enriched by the many sports programs offered at RTCA. The primary objective of the athletic Booster Club is to be able to provide for and support our student-athletes. The Booster Club is a volunteer organization. We support RTCA athletics through fundraising and financial support and your participation is vital to the success of its goals. We are dedicated to promoting school spirit and supporting the students and coaches of RTCA.
Each year, the Booster Club raises money to fund athletic facility improvement projects and other items, over and above what the school budgeted for athletics. Here is a partial list of recent projects that were made possible by donations to the RTCA All Sports Booster Club:
• Renovation of the girl’s and boy’s basketball locker rooms.
• Renovation to the scorer’s box in the school gym.
• Lighting installed on the softball field/middle school baseball field.
• Purchase of 2 portable basketball goals to be used with Junior Pro Basketball
• Installed portable air conditioners in the bathrooms at the football field.
• Helped fund FCA
• Added and supported RTCA Band
• Approved funding of $50,000 towards an All Sports Multipurpose Building (project ongoing)
The coaches and administration have given us a long list of potential projects for the upcoming school year that will enhance your child’s athletic experience at RTCA. We have membership levels to fit every budget from $125.00 to $1500.00. We also offer corporate sponsorships at levels of $5500.00 and $10,000. Various incentives are given for each level including spirit apparel, passes to athletic events, and VIP football parking. We invite you to join the Athletic Booster Club and invest in the lives of our student-athletes. Please help us make their best ideas and dreams for our children’s athletic teams become reality by purchasing a Booster membership today.
Booster Meetings will be held the first Wednesday of every month at 6:00 PM in the lunchroom unless otherwise stated. Agenda items will be due to janna_tabor@bellsouth.net no later than noon the Tuesday before the scheduled meeting. Items received after that time will be placed on the agenda of the next monthly meeting.
Thank you for your continued support.
Go Crusaders!
Current Officers:
Chair: Janna Tabor
Co-Chair: Kristen Brantley
Secretary: Mindy Dismuke
Treasure: Jeremy Joyner
2023-24 Booster Membership Form